Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hazrat Nouman bin Basheer Razi Allahu Anhu

When Hazrat Nouman got a bit older, flag of Islam was fluttering high. He loved Hazrat Muhammad, Islam and masjid a lot. He would perform salaah (daily prayers) with Rasul Allah in congregation and would sit near his (peace be upon him) seat, during khutbah, listening to him intently. Due to these characteristics, young hazrat Nouman was an apple of his (peace be upon him) eye. Once someone from Tayif sent grapes for Hazrat Muhammad sallallahu alaehi wasallam. He called hazrat Nouman and gave him two bunches of grapes, saying: "One is for you and other is for your mother. Present it to her when you get home." When this little companion (razi Allahu anhu) was on his way to home, he ate both bunches since they were so tasty. After few days Hazrat Muhammad asked him: "Did you give your mother's share to her?" He (razi Allahu anhu) told him truthfully that I ate all of them myself. Rasool Allah smiled and plling his ear affectionately, said: "O traitor! You ate your mother's share too."
(At that time according to the books, Hazrat Nouman bin Basheer razi Allahu anhu's age was 8 years 7 months)

Compiled by: Hafiz Abdul Shakoor Sheikhupuri


  1. Can you please provide some sources, online or/and offline, about the background/causes/factors and detailed narration of events of the conquests during Hazrat Umar, event preceding the wars, during and their aftermath.

    1. OK. I will see to it, Inshallah!

      Thanks for the visit. :)

  2. Please do. Here's a debate that took place on Facebook just on that topic. I couldn't hit the point home because of lack of information about the conquests. If you have time please just go through the objections of "Friend's comment" many parts of which are in bold:

    This essay by a senior friend on Hazrat Abu Bakr's conquests justifies the context according to even modern legal concepts; althu its not about being apologetic at all:

  3. This is really an informative blog. I appreciate the idea..


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